Δευτέρα 19 Απριλίου 2010
Τετάρτη 24 Φεβρουαρίου 2010

A magical town. An amphitheatre full of liveliness. The Lady of Macedonia. Foreign and Greek travellers have worshipped her. Kavala is a modern city that respects its history. Visitors experience and enjoy all four seasons here The Learn about the history of Philip and Alexander the Great, follow in the steps of Apostles Paul and Silas and revive the baptismal of Lydia the first European Christian, at her baptism .
In the early days as Neapolis, then Christopolis and even until the 2nd world war, Kavala and its surrounding areas was the apple of desire for many conquerors. The history of the area as Kavala started in the early days of the 16th century The Aquaduct was built and it is still one of the area’s most recognizable landmarks. Mohamed Ali (Mexmet Ali) the founder of the Egyptian Dynasty was born in 1769, the house where he was born still exists today. In 1817 he founded Imaret a magnificent construction of Islamic architecture , a large part of which still exists today and is used as a luxury hotel. In the early days of the 20th century , huge tabacco warehouses were built to be used for the procedures of the tabacco industries. When in our town you can visit Pangea , which is in the old town of Kavala the, Archeological Museum where you can admire collections of prehistoric articles. Thassian sculptor Polygnotos Vagis. Other important places to visit are the Tobacco museum, the town hall and the old castle!
Τετάρτη 4 Νοεμβρίου 2009
Stuffed Cabbage Leaves
The external leaves of a medium cabbage

1/2 kilo minced meat ( half pork+half veal )
1 cup of alive oil
1 medium onion
black pepper+pimento
To Prepare
Brown the onion, add the minced meat and brown it, add a cup of warm water and the rest of the ingredients.
Unfold a cabbage leaf, put a full spoon of the stuffing and fold the leafe by giving a long and narrow shape. in a saucepan cabbageleaves in rows, add warm water as far as they are covered. Add a little olive oil and put a plate upside down in order not to move during cooking. Let it stew for an hour. Serve it with egg ane lemon.
Τρίτη 3 Νοεμβρίου 2009
It’s New Year’s carols talking about the coming of Christ and Agios Vasilis

( Santa Claus ) on the earth
Kalanta Protochronias
Archiminia ki archixronia
psili mou dedrolivania
ki archi kalos mas chronos
ekklisia me tagio thronos
Archi pou vgike o Christos
agios ke pseymatikos sti gi na
perpatisi ke na mas kalokardisi
Agios Vasilis erchete kai den mas katadecherte
apo tis Kesaria
si se archodissa kyria
Vasta ikona ke charti
zacharoplasti zymoti
charti ke kalamari
des ke me to palikari
To kalamari egrafe
tin mira tou tin egrafe kai to charti omili
Agie mou kale Vasili

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